Thursday, November 4, 2010

To The College That Will Be Concerned

To whom may concern,
You tell me that in order for the admission staff to consider me I have to answer a question. I find that ridiculous! Me, Eric Burdeos, write a response to a silly question like that when I have accomplished so many endeavors already.

Through my journeys, I've killed an elephant using only dental floss. I've self-taught myself how to speak and read Chinese, Japanese and Korean in a month long tour of Asia. I've crawled through the hallways of Hogwarts in my invisible cloak. I know where Carmen Sandiego is and I've found Waldo.

My genius has been internationally recognized. I've written hour long speeches for the Pope, Prime Minister and Obama. I've captivated audiences with my sold-out, one-man production of Hair.  I've memorized all the Harry Potter books and can recite any scene, word for word. I have been known to be a deep thinker, so deep in fact, that James Cameron wanted to film the sequel to The Abyss inside of me!

On Mondays I re-capture all 151 Pokemon in an hour. On Tuesdays I record, edit and post another video on Youtube for all one million of my subscribers to watch. On Wednesdays I make Kraft Dinner. On every other day of the week I build another school in Africa, all by myself. I am obviously more super than human.

I know that you may already be impressed. If you want to get a hold of me to further talk about my qualifications you are more than welcome. If not, I expect a letter of acceptance very shortly.

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