Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bad Hair Day

It was ten at night at the Wood's household. Mr. Woods walked through the claustrophobic halls and down the creaking stairs to the kitchen for a snack before he went to bed. He slowly opened the fridge, blinded by the light reflecting off his thick glasses. He noticed a figure in the doorway.
“Daddy,” his daughter murmured.
Mr. Woods closed the fridge and replied “Sally, aren’t you suppose to be at your friends party?”
Sally rolled her eyes. “Daddy, just look at my hair,” Sally exclaimed, rolling a lock of her hair around her finger. “It looks fried!”
Mr. Woods asked “Why what happened” as he picked up the newspaper from the morning.
"Well today I was getting my hair done at Jenny's favorite place, they wanted to go to this new place that just opened downtown..." Sally looked over to her father and noticed that he wasn't paying attention to her. Instead he was focused on reading the newspaper. "Hey Daddy, you aren't listening to me!" Sally exclaimed.
"Oh, am I not? I'm sorry honey, continue." Mr. Woods insisted.
"Well okay, so the person was really weird. He was really all over the place and combined a lot of weird chemicals from these bottles and  combined them and put them in my hair," Sally explained.
Mr. Woods repeatedly nodded.
Sally sighed, "You aren't listening to me are you?"
Mr. Woods looked at Sally, "What did you just say?"
Sally pouted. "Can you just listen to my story?" She shouted.
"Oh, sorry honey," Mr Woods exclaimed. "Please continue."
"Well okay, Sally replied. "Then I think he heated up my hair for too long, forty-five minutes of sitting there, can you believe that?"
"Uh, huh," Mr. Woods mumbled while he continued  to read the paper.
"Okay, that's it! Daddy, what in the world are you reading that's more important than my story?!" Sally exclaimed.
"Oh, there's just an intriguing article on this unqualified barber running a salon downtown with no experience. Can you imagine that?"

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