Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Superpower... Hmmmm....

Growing up I enjoyed wasting countless hours watching movies and T.V. shows like any other kid my age. I particularly loved superhero shows. But what if that actually became a reality? One ordinary day it did happened. Chemistry class, second block of the day we had to react chemicals as part of a lab. Startlingly, a clumsy student spilled his concoction on me. Despite my efforts to wash it off I knew that something was different. I could feel it, I had a superpower! But which one could it be? There are so many, and some of them are so inventive. Flying, super-strength, mind reading, fire manipulation... The list can go on and on. I spent the day pondering on what potential I had now. The day went by and nothing. Maybe I was just letting my imagination get the better of me. But then it hit me: no something actually did hit me! A dairy delivery truck, probably on it's way to one of the local grocery stores, ran me over at 80 km/h. Then I knew it, I'm immortal.

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